International Cargo Bike Festival 2024

28. Okt. 2024

Danique Jans2 Min. Lesezeit
International Cargo Bike Festival 2024

The cargo bike—a mode of transport with the most potential in micromobility—has its own dedicated festival. What other vehicle, besides the bicycle, can say the same? Last Friday, we attended the International Cargo Bike Festival, held October 25-26 at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht (The Netherlands). Here’s a look at what caught our eye.

More choices for you as a business owner

It was the perfect day to focus entirely on the promising future of the cargo bike. Alongside more brands with their own cargo bike designs, we also saw new solutions for different types of cargo. It's not just small parcels anymore; larger containers are joining the game. What we observed last year is even more evident now: cargo bikes are thriving in the micromobility sector, and as a business owner, you have more choices than ever within the cargo bike range—different brands, options for your own branding, and tailored solutions for various types of cargo.

Cargo bike festival 2024

Growing interest, despite political headlines

Interest in cargo bikes is booming, the benefits are clear, and businesses are increasingly inspired by the incredible initiatives already in place. In general, we’re seeing more people opting for bikes, cities being designed with cyclists in mind, and last-mile delivery by bike becoming more popular than ever. Regardless of upcoming political decisions on zero-emission policies, we’re convinced that the shift toward greener cities is here to stay.

Bring on the cargo bikes!

Here’s to even more cargo bike solutions in 2025! We’re excited to see what’s in store for next year. In the meantime, we’re already partnering with many of these brands and suppliers, offering a comprehensive range of cargo bikes, parts for maintenance and repairs, and accessories to enhance the ride. Let’s work together to make cities greener and cargo bikes even more popular in today’s urban landscape!

About the International Cargo Bike festival

The International Cargo Bike Festival is organized by Jos Sluijsmans and Tom Parr, who aim to inspire the world to replace cars and vans in urban areas with cargo bikes. They believe we’re in the Decade of the Cargo Bike, and that cargo bikes are set to become mainstream this century. #decadeofthecargobike

Service & repairCargo bikes

Danique Jans

Content Specialist

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